The Audit Chamber of the Republic of Armenia has received independent assurance on the self-assessment report carried out in accordance with the Performance Measurement Framework for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI PMF) by International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Development Initiative (INTOSAI IDI).

The subject of self-assessment was the performance of SAI Armenia. The evaluation was carried out by the Methodology, Analysis and International Relations Department of the RA Audit Chamber, and the external assurance was provided by INTOSAI IDI Qualified Specialist Bill Barnett.

The purpose of the assurance was to ensure that the SAI PMF methodology was maintained, that the evidence used in the course of the assessment was sufficient, that the analysis was consistent with the evidence, and that the summary was consistent with the analysis. The Independent Assurance Report from the INTOSAI IDI stated that, “all the objectives in the final report received by IDI were sufficiently met. All substantive issues raised in this assurance process are addressed.”

At the same time, the work of the RA Audit Chamber received a high review by the IDI representatives, which, in particular, says, “Congratulations on the work done. The end result is truly impressive. In our opinion, this is one of the best self-assessments, and you should be really proud of this job".

The execution of self-assessments of its work by the Audit Chamber will be continuous and will serve as a basis for long-term strategic-institutional development.






Wednesday, November 27, 2019