Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Audit Chamber (AC) of the Republic of Armenia (RA) and the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) as well as based on the mutual cooperation program, the SNAO delegation was in Yerevan on June 13-16 to ensure the implementation of the activities stipulated in the Strategic Development Program of the AC for 2020-2023. 

During the course of the visit, with the technical support of the UNDP “Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia” project, which is financed by the Swedish government and implemented in cooperation with the National Assembly of RA, workshops on “Performance audit implementation and reporting” and “Communication of audit results” were held for the three auditing departments of the AC, as well as a presentation on “SAIs communication framework” was made for the leadership of AC by Jonas Ablad,  the SNAO communication strategist.

The SNAO delegation also had meetings with Atom Janjughazyan, Chairman of the AC, the leadership and also some of the AC staff members to consider the possible priority directions for the AC’s capacity development within the cooperation framework of the upcoming period.

During the visit, SNAO delegation met with Gevorg Papoyan, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the RA National Assembly. During the meeting the upcoming programs on improving the communication between the NA and the AC were emphasized, regarding which the Swedish side expressed readiness to provide support.



Monday, June 26, 2023